Polk County in Florida

Unit 20 Lot 731 1.25 acres

This is a 1.2477 acre recreational lot on high ground in Polk County, Florida.

The approximate GPS coordinates of the property corners:

     Approximate GPS coordinates for the Northwest corner of the property:     27°45'55.00"N, 81°38'9.71"W

     Approximate GPS coordinates for the Northeast corner of the property:      27°45'55.00"N, 81°38'7.90"W

     Approximate GPS coordinates for the Southeast corner of the property:     27°45'51.74"N, 81°38'7.90"W

     Approximate GPS coordinates for the Southwest corner of the property:    27°45'51.74"N, 81°38'9.71"W


Click on this link if you want to see these coordinates on Google Maps.  There you can zoom in, zoom out, scroll, etc.


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