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Growth in Valencia County, NM
Many of us who own property in Valencia County are very interested in the area’s economic growth and development. looked at online information sources, and put together this summary of what we found.
First of all, if you have any interest in these things you really should be subscribing to the Valencia County News-Bulletin. They work constantly to let you know what is going on in the area. Not only are they the direct source for much of the information we gather for the area, but we strongly suspect that many other sources we see are getting their information from the News-Bulletin.
This past November ground was broken in Los Lunas for a hospital. For decades the region has wanted a hospital with 24 hour emergency healthcare. Several different locations were proposed, and funding slowly was put in place. The county has put aside 26 million dollars earmarked for maintaining and running the hospital. Now to see this finally happening is a joyous occasion for residents, and a huge infrastructure piece is now going into place.
The east-west corridor project involving a new interchange off of Interstate Highway 25 continues to proceed. The news articles states: “Today, Los Lunas Boulevard is actively moving forward. When completed, this project will extend from I-25 to Highway 47, and will include a full interchange at Morris Rd., a river bridge, and intersections at Sichler Rd, Highway 314, Edeal Rd., and Highway 47. Phase 1 of this project is fully funded, and will include a full width interchange, river bridge, and intersections with one lane of travel in each direction between, along with a multi-use pedestrian and bicycle path. Phase 2 will add an additional lane of travel in each direction.” Many eyes are on that project, since it is a critical piece for the long term development of the area.
Participative democracy is on display in Valencia County. Residents remain vocal about their desires to retain the area’s small town charm and character in the face of continued expansion. There is a lot of interaction between residents and officials shaping the county’s future.
For example, in 2024 the Playa Vista Group received approval from the Rio Communities for zoning changes that will allow light manufacturing on their properties. Their previous application was denied after many residents spoke at a zoning meeting, being concerned about possible heavy manufacturing so close to their homes. The Playa Vista Group revised their application so that it requests approval specifically for light manufacturing, and this second application was approved.
The Los Lunas Meta Data Center, originally built in 2016 and since expanded, continues to generate local excitement through ongoing expansion. The presence of this high tech player causes other high tech companies to more seriously consider opening local operations and the data center is continually involved in constructive community activities.
While trying to attract large employers to the area, area communities seem unanimous in their desire to have a thriving galaxy of small businesses. Municipal and county authorities are often excited about openings of businesses such as gas stations, shops, and small fabrication businesses.
Developer Jubilee Los Lunas is partnering with the Tierra Del Sol Golf Club to build 67 homes in the Vista del Monte subdivision. It is universally recognized that there is a shortage of affordable housing in the area.
This from a September 2024 News-Bulletin article on the near future of Valencia County by Julia M. Dendinger: “Future priority growth areas include the Rio Del Oro Loop and Manzano Expressway area near Las Maravillas and the village of Los Lunas’s west mesa area, south of N.M. 6 and west of Interstate 25.
Priority growth corridors identified in the plan include the north Manzano Expressway corridor from El Cerro Mission Boulevard to Meadow Lake Road, Meadow Lake Road east of Los Lunas, and the Morris Road corridor between I-25 and N.M. 47.”
Amazon opened a 1 million square foot fulfillment center in Los Lunas in 2024.
Mariott is building a New Fairfield in Los Lunas.
A multi building training facility for electrical apprentices is being built in Bosque Farms.
Sky Ranch Solar has opened its 160 acre solar farm, with more solar farms to come.
In 2024 electricity generating wind towers began production at the Arcosa plant in Belen.
The Valencia County Business Incubator continues expanding its mission of guiding entrepreneurs and training prospective entrepreneurs. From : “…provides a support system of mentorship, training, office space and identifying lending sources…”
There is a lot of optimism in the area and a lot of reasons for that optimism. If you can, you should visit the area and see for yourself.
Desert Flowers
1. California Poppy. The official state flower of California, this poppy is known for its bright orange color.
2. Winecup. Like the poppy, this drought-tolerant wildflower will open in the morning and close in the evening.
3. Desert Marigold. Typically appearing in colorful clusters of flowers, they typically bloom from spring through July, and with a little water will still be gorgeous in the fall.
4. Desert Sage is very pleasantly aromatic, and often has stunning violet flowers. It is prized for its traditional medicinal uses.
5. Whitestem Paperflower is also known as Cooper’s Paper Daisy. These shrubs are topped by bunches of flower heads, and are widely admired although few of their admirers know their name.
There are tens of thousands of flower species growing wild in the southwestern U.S. They are so numerous that we will not even scratch the surface here. For every species mentioned here, there are numerous others as well. This is a small sampling of what is a very rich and enormous botanic treasure.
Pinks, blues and lavenders abound with larkspur, lupine, verbina, flax, forget-me-nots, bluebell, skullcap, yarrow, manzanieta, and lupine of various varieties.
Orange and yellow are represented in prickly pear, sage, lily, poppy, and mallow.
Even cacti get into the act. Pincushion, Fishhook, and Hedgehog cacti bloom with vibrant orange, pink, white, and yellow flowers. Different types of Prickly Pear cacti beautify with pink, yellow, and orange flowers.
Besides playing their critical ecosystem roles, desert flowers enrich our lives whether we are hiking or homesteading in the great American southwest.
What is your favorite desert flower?