San Luis Valley Ranches in Colorado

Unit 22, Block 3, Lot 19 5 acres

This 5 acre property has 330 foot frontage on Denver Boulevard and is 660 foot deep. There are a few scattered neighbors nearby but you will still have plenty of open space and great views. A small group of hills is only about 1 mile away to the Southeast which makes a nice feature in the landscape.


Approximate GPS coordinates of the property corners:

     Approximate GPS coordinates for the Northwest corner of the property:     37°24'19.59"N, 105°40'02.63"W

     Approximate GPS coordinates for the Northeast corner of the property:      37°24'21.89"N, 105°39'59.73"W

     Approximate GPS coordinates for the Southwest corner of the property:     37°24'14.93"N, 105°39'56.91"W

     Approximate GPS coordinates for the Southeast corner of the property:      37°24'17.23"N, 105°39'54.01"W


Click on this link if you want to see these coordinates on Google Maps.  There you can zoom in, zoom out, scroll, etc.

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