Jeff Davis County in Texas

Block 5 Section 94 SE4-NW4-NE4 10.00 +/- acres

This is a beautiful 10 acre parcel about 2 miles from the spectacular Sierra Vieja Mountains for the most breathtaking views. 


In this satellite image the approximate property location is outlined in blue and it shows a ground photo taken about 1.25 miles away:



In this satellite image the approximate property location is outlined in blue and it shows a ground photo taken at the old NinetySix Ranch, which is about a mile away:



The approximate GPS coordinates of the property corners:

     Approximate GPS coordinates for the Northwest corner of the property:     30°37'22.50"N, 104°44'51.42"W

     Approximate GPS coordinates for the Northeast corner of the property:      30°37'22.50"N, 104°44'43.91"W

     Approximate GPS coordinates for the Southeast corner of the property:      30°37'16.00"N, 104°44'43.81"W

     Approximate GPS coordinates for the Southwest corner of the property:     30°37'16.00"N, 104°44'51.34"W


Click on this link if you want to see these coordinates on Google Maps.  There you can zoom in, zoom out, scroll, etc.



If you have Google Earth software installed on your computer, you can download a polygon showing the approximate property location here.


In this topo map the approximate parcel location is outlined in blue:


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