Dalies Town Sites in New Mexico
Block 97, Lot 5 0.15 acres
This 0.15 acre property has 50 foot Northern platted road frontage, 50 foot Southern platted road frontage and is 150 foot deep. The property is located in the Southeastern part of the subdivision and has a dirt road running right through it making this lot extremely accessible. Power lines are about 140 yards away and the Railroad tracks are about 230 yards to the South.
Approximate GPS Corners of the property:
Approximate GPS coordinates for the Northwest corner of the property: 34°46'32.75" N, 106°51'30.68"W
Approximate GPS coordinates for the Northeast corner of the property: 34°46'32.75"N, 106°51'30.08"W
Approximate GPS coordinates for the Southwest corner of the property: 34°46'31.46"N, 106°51'30.68"W
Approximate GPS coordinates for the Southeast corner of the property: 34°46'31.46"N, 106°51'30.08"W
Click on this link if you want to see these coordinates on Google Maps. There you can zoom in, zoom out, scroll, etc.
Electric | Nearby |
Additional Notes | Dirt Road Running Through Property |