Gunsight Ranch in Texas

Block 23, Section 19, Lot 22 Replat 20.86 +/- acres

This approximately 20.86 acre property is located in the northwest area of the ranch. The southern side of the property is bordered by platted Blackfoot Road.  A nice watering hole is just over half a mile to the east.

The north side of this parcel is in the arroyo, while the south side of the property sits about 50 feet above.

Lot 21 has been sold.  The pictures and mapping will show both properties, but this listing is for Lot 22 alone, which is the parcel on the south. 

Click on this link to see this property on Google Maps!


Click here for driving directions


Important Buyer Notes

Hunting rights cannot be rented, leased, or sold. The property owner (or contract holder) must be present when they are used. While a property is under contract, after $1,000 has been paid toward the loan principal, hunting rights for two hunters will be issued annually on request. These hunting rights are printed on special paper with a raised seal and must be carried by the contract holder while hunting. 

No business or commercial activity of any kind is allowed involving a property under loan contract.

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